„History and identity of female artist in Serbian modern art – creating a source for scientific and artistic transposition“ – ARSFID [Ars-Femina-Identitas] project focuses on creating the first digital open database on Serbian female artists from the 20th [Ars-Femina-Identitas] century onward and on building capacity for its scientific and artistic use. The creation of the database is focused on four areas: music, drama, visual arts and literature, which enables disciplinary, as well as interdisciplinary approach. Previous research shows that the number of Serbian female artists in academic circles has been increasing recently, but that this number does not reflect the real presence of artists and their works “on stage”. Therefore, one of the main goals of the project is to create theatrical performances, podcasts, concerts, exhibitions and other artistic achievements, which will, along with scientific research, written papers, scientific conferences and round tables, increase the visibility of female artists in our society. The database will serve as a platform for scientific and artistic transposition, and will open the question of identity which “oscillates between similarity and difference, between what makes us individual, and which at the same time makes us similar to others“ (Lipiansky, 2009: 42). : 42).